Our Approach
FIBAA is a nationally as well as internationally experienced agency for quality assurance. Customer-oriented, efficient, fast and flexible work are some of its trademarks. FIBAA carries out accreditation procedures in Germany in accordance with the State Treaty on the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (Studienakkreditierungsstaatsvertrag) and state law ordinances. Internationally, it conducts accreditation and certification procedures in line with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ESG). FIBAA awards its Quality Seal to higher education institutions and programmes of high quality worldwide. Excellent performances, especially those that demonstrate a strong strategy-based and international profile, receive the FIBAA Premium Seal.
The task of quality assurance lies within the responsibility of higher education institutions. FIBAA supports them in achieving their self-defined objectives. It offers impulses for further quality development. It promotes quality and transparency in academic education by assessing Higher Education Institutions, study programmes and further study offers nationally and internationally based on the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ESG) and by means of a peer-review method as well as transparent documentation and publication of the accreditation results.
FIBAA’s procedures on institutional level (system accreditation, institutional accreditation) are interdisciplinary; they are directed at all HEIs and other education providers. As FIBAA’s advisory unit, FIBAA Consult supports higher education institutions and assists them in the development and implementation of their quality oriented strategies. FIBAA Consult conducts evaluation procedures according to individual objectives of higher education institutions and other academic institutions and offers workshops and seminars on current issues.
FIBAA bases its work on national and international requirements and standards. Particular attention is given to the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) as well as to the promotion of practical relevance and employability.
Our experienced committee members, experts and employers possess comprehensive know-how in all questions of quality assurance and quality management. The results of their work are of benefit to the higher education institutions and other education providers, to students, prospective students, graduates, employers and other interested parties alike.
FIBAA is a non-profit organisation.
It is accredited by ENQA and listed in the European register EQAR. Active membership in ENQA, EUA, CEENQA and INQAAHE, amongst others, document its international networks. Furthermore, FIBAA is officially recognised in the Netherlands, in Austria, in Switzerland, in Indonesia, in Vietnam and in Kazakhstan. FIBAA holds cooperation agreements with foreign agencies of quality assurance in Kazakhstan, Georgia, the Netherlands, Ukraine and Türkiye.
All persons linked to FIBAA (committee members, experts, employers etc.) are committed to equal opportunities and do not discriminate against anyone, neither explicitly nor implicitly, and in particular not on the basis of ethnicity, religion, conviction, disability, age, sexual identity or sex.