Our International Network

FIBAA co-operates with the following networks and accreditation agencies:



Unibasq (Agencia de Calidad del Sistema Universitario Vasco) is an agency for quality assurance in the Basque system of Higher Education, working in the fields of evaluation, accreditation and certification. Amongst other activities, Unibasque promotes and assures quality within the Basque University System, regarding the Spanish, European, and International frames, contributes in the improvement of the quality of the Basque University System and provides information and criteria for interested people.In June 2018, Unibasque and FIBAA signed an memorandum of understanding for a collaboration in the development in procedures and quality assurance systems.

In June 2018, Unibasque and FIBAA signed an memorandum of understanding for a collaboration in the development in procedures and quality assurance systems.

For further information unibasq

EQUAL – European QUAlity Link ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

EQUAL was established in June 1996 as an independent and innovative association to promote effective management development and business education and was set up as a think tank for the EFMD's accreditation system EQUIS. EUQAL acts now as a policy development organisation for international business and management education, training, research and development for the benefit of members, schools, students, end users and society at large. As part of this activity, EQUAL members agree on common standards for programmes, where appropriate, and establish international benchmarks in the form of Guidelines (e.g. European MBA Guidelines). FIBAA is a full member since September 2014.

For further information equal


International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)

The prime objective for this network is to collect and disseminate information on common and new theories and methods in the field of assessing, improving and maintaining quality in the higher education system. FIBAA has been a full member of this network since June 2009.

For further information inqaahe

European University Association (EUA) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

With approximately 850 members in 47 countries, the European University Association (EUA) is building strong universities for Europe through targeted activities aimed at supporting their development. EUA is considered as the main voice of the higher education community in Europe. The activities of EUA include policy dialogue, conferences, workshops, projects, and more targeted services such as the Institutional Evaluation Programme, and an independent service dedicated to doctoral education. FIBAA officially listed as affiliate of EUA since October 30th, 2012. 

For further information eua


International cooperation with Hobéon

In March 2022, we were able to seal our international cooperation with Hobéon Accreditation and Certification BV through a Letter Of Intent.

The aim of the cooperation is to exchange expertise and experience on the respective accreditations and certifications offered in the higher education sector.
FIBAA and Hobéon agree on joint efforts to promote cooperation between the two agencies and their services and will endeavour to offer the respective seals within the scope of accreditation and certification services.

For further information Hobéon


Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (CEENQA e.V)

CEENQA e.V. is the successor of one of the oldest regional networks in QA, the CEE Network (CEEN) declared its foundation on October 13, 2001 in Krakow. The main purpose of CEENQA e.V. continues to be the cooperation between the member organisations in the development and harmonisation of their activities in the field of quality assurance and quality improvement in higher education in Central and Eastern Europe, thereby making a contribution towards the development and implementation of the European Higher Education Area. FIBAA is one of the founding members. 

For further information ceenqa

APQN – Asia Pacific Quality Network ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

The aims of APQN are to enhance the quality of higher education in the Asia-Pacific region through strengthening internal and external quality assurance, and by extending cooperation within the network for the ultimate goal of "dissolving boundaries for a quality region".

For further information apqn


CHE Consult GmbH

CHE Consult is a consultancy firm and a centre of excellence in the field of higher education. CHE Consult offers long-term experience in the field of activity as well as methodological knowledge in consultancy, and is firmly committed to research into higher education.  

For further information che consult

International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THE-ICE)

THE-ICE is a not-for-profit international accreditation agency. Originally funded by the Australian government (2004 – 2008), THE-ICE is now an Australian-based global network of leading quality THE (tourism, hospitality and events) higher education institutions.

For further information the-ice


Russland – Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK)

AKKORK is an independent professional agency in the field of consultancy, conduct of the reviews, accreditation and certification of the education institutions. Its mission is to form and develop in Russia an independent system of education quality assessment and assurance that corresponds to the principles of the Bologna declaration and the world best practices. 

For further information akkork

European Health Management Association (EHMA) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

EHMA is an European Network. Its objective is to support policy frameworks that enable innovative health management and leadership, both at EU and country level. EHMA has just under 200 organisational members across more than 30 countries in the European region. 

For further information ehma


Kasachstan - Independent Kazakhstan Quality Assurance Agency for Education (IQAA)

The objective of IQAA is to raise the competitiveness of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan on national and international levels by conducting the procedures of accreditation and academic ranking, and providing other services related to the quality assurance of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

(For further information: www.iqaa.kz )

Russland – National Accreditation Agency in education sphere (NAA)

NAA gives assistance in execution state functions in the state accreditation procedure, for international recognition of the quality of education in Russian educational organizations. It is for a competitive growth of Russia and it’s citizens in the global job market.

For further information naa


Polen – Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

The primary objective of PKA is to support Polish public and non-public higher education institutions in the development of educational standards matching the best models adopted in the European and global academic space. 

For further information pka

Kasachstan – Independent Agency for Accreditation Rating (IAAR)

The main aim of IAAR is to raise competitiveness of Kazakh Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) both on national as international level by conducting the procedures of quality assurance at programme as well at institutional level and academic ranking. 

For further information iaar


National Centre for Public Accreditation

The NCPA's role in the Russian quality assurance system is to form and promote a culture of quality in higher education through the evaluation and accreditation of the best educational programmes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG-ENQA).

For further information ncpa

Nord-Zypern – Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council (YÖDAK)

YÖDAK promotes transparency and comparability in Northern Cyprus higher education through the development of appropriate quality standards and quality assurance methods. <br/>  

For further information yödak