Our reputation as a quality assurance agency extends beyond the borders of Germany to countries such as Austria, the Netherlands and Switzerland. We are also recognised in emerging education markets such as Vietnam, Indonesia and Kazakhstan.
Europe-wide – Full membership in European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA)

ENQA is a European network responsible for disseminating knowledge, information, good practices and innovations in the field of quality assurance in higher education. ENQA is the European umbrella organisation of the quality assurance and accreditation agencies, and is an official consultant to the Bologna Conference of the ministers responsible for higher education. FIBAA has been a full member since 2002.
(Click here for the results of our latest ENQA review)
(For further information: www.enqa.eu)
Europe-wide-Listed in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR)

EQAR, established in summer 2008, is the central registry of accreditation agencies in Europe. These stand out through their resolute implementation of "European Standards and Guidelines" (ESG) in quality assurance and have successfully passed an external evaluation process. FIBAA has been listed as an accreditation agency in this registry since April 2009.
(For further information: www.eqar.eu)
Netherlands – Recognition by the Nederlands Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie (NVAO)

Several FIBAA staff members are recognised panel secretaries of NVAO. FIBAA has been now entitled to perform external programme evaluations at dutch higher education institutions. NVAO recognise the evaluation report produced by FIBAA as a basis for its accreditation decisions.
(For further information: www.nvao.net)
Germany – Accreditation by the German Accreditation Council

FIBAA has been authorised by the German Accreditation Council to perform Programme and System Accreditations in Germany and to award its Seal to state and state-recognised private universities.
For further information .
Switzerland - Recognition by the Swiss Accreditation Council

On 24 September 2021, the Swiss Accreditation Council recognised FIBAA at national level for a further five years. This means that FIBAA may continue to carry out the process of Institutional Procedures according to the Federal Act on Funding and Coordination of the Swiss Higher Education Sector. Mandated by the Accreditation Council FIBAA leads Institutional Procedures. However, the final decision-making body of Institutional Accreditations is the Swiss Accreditation Council.
(For further information: http://akkreditierungsrat.ch)
Austria– Recognition by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research in Vienna included FIBAA in the 'Decree on Quality Assurance Agencies' in 2013. This means that we are entitled in accordance with the Austrian Higher Education Institution Quality Assurance Act (HS-QSG) to carry out audits at public universities and Higher Education Institutions in Austria.
(For further information: https://www.bmbwf.gv.at)
Ukraine – Recognition by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
In July 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decided to include FIBAA to the Register of foreign Accreditation Agencies. This means that FIBAA's decisions on accreditation of Ukrainian higher education institutions and study programmes are thus officially recognised by the Ministry of of Education and Science.
Kazakhstan – Recognition by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In June 2014, the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan followed the recommendation of the Republican Accreditation Council and decided to include FIBAA to the National Register of Accreditation Agencies. This registration was successfully renewed for the first time in March 2017 and for the second time in October 2022 for a further five years. This means that FIBAA's decisions on accreditation of Kazakh higher education institutions and study programmes are thus officially recognized by the Ministry.
Indonesia - Inclusion of FIBAA in the national register of foreign Accreditation and Quality Assurance Agencies Inclusion of FIBAA in the national register of foreign accreditation and quality assurance agencies

With Resolution No. 83/P/2020 from February 2020, the Indonesian Ministry of Education included FIBAA in the register of foreign accreditation and quality assurance agencies in Indonesia. This means that FIBAA's decisions on the accreditation of Indonesian higher education institutions and study programmes are officially recognised by the Indonesian Ministry of Education.
Turkey - Recognition by Higher Education Quality Council of Turkey

In April 2019, the Higher Education Quality Council of Turkey (HEQC) recognised FIBAA as an international accreditation agency in Turkey. FIBAA is thus one of only a few international accreditation agencies that have been awarded recognition for five years. The recognition proves that FIBAA's quality standards meet the HEQC's requirements for foreign agencies in Turkey.
(For further information:http://yokak.gov.tr/)