Our Structure


Even before the Bologna Declaration announced by the European Ministers of Education in 1999 and the resulting introduction of today's quality assurance systems, it became necessary to develop a suitable form of quality testing due to the confusing range of MBA programmes that had developed in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Hence, the leading organisations of Swiss, Austrian and German industry established the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) in autumn 1994 as an international foundation. Right from Day One, the intention was to develop a strict Assessment Guide for quality assurance in the field of management training. This is the reason why “Business Administration” is mentioned in the title of the agency. The scope of FIBAA’s activities in other subject areas were broadened starting from 2002, when FIBAA became member of ENQA and since then FIBAA’s expertise has significantly grown in the last decades nationally and internationally – covering subject areas such as business administration, law, IT, educational and natural sciences as well as social sciences and humanities, incl. interdisciplinary subjects of these areas.  

FIBAA Foundation Board is the leading board of the Foundation. It defines and represents the common interests of the founders and decides on the economic and strategic baselines of FIBAA's work. FIBAA Foundation Board assures that FIBAA's mission is well-established in society and its institutions and promotes FIBAA's overall values of transparency, quality and internationality in the field of higher education. 

FIBAA Organisation Chart



Our Decision Bodies


FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee


  • Prof. Dr. Peter Thuy, IU International University

Vice President

  • Prof. Dr. Vera de Hesselle, Bremen University of Applied Sciences
  • Dr. Markus A. Tomaschitz, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of FH JOANNEUM  

Other members

Representatives from academia

  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Altmann, University of Innsbruck and MCI Management Center Innsbruck
  • Prof. Dr. Axel Benning, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • Prof. Dr. Volker Hasewinkel, VICTORIA | International University of Applied Sciences
  • Prof., dipl. Ing. ETH, lic. oec. publ. Jürg Kessler, University of Applied Sciences Graubünden
  • Prof. Dr. Anne Lequy, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Social Work, Health and Media
  • Prof. Dr. Marco J. Menichetti, University of Liechtenstein, Dean Liechtenstein Business School
  • Prof. Dr. Sabine Remdisch, Leuphana University of Lüneburg
  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Renninger, East Bavarian Technical University Amberg-Weiden
  • Prof. Dr. Ottmar Schneck, SRH Fernhochschule Riedlingen - The Mobile University
  • Prof. Dr. Johann Schneider, former Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. John Slof, UAB - Autonomous University of Barcelona
  • Prof. Em. Dr. György Széll, University of Osnabrück
  • Prof. Dr. Friedrich Thießen, Chemnitz University of Technology
  • Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weigand, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar
  • Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zanger, Chemnitz University of Technology

Representatives from professional practice

  • Karl-Peter Abt, former Managing Director of the IHK
  • Dr. Bernd Baasner, formerly of Bayer AG
  • Dr. Ivo Matser, CEO of the IEDC Bled School of Management in Slovenia and CEO of the Academy of Business in Society (abis-global), Brussels
  • Hans-Hellmuth Retzlaff-Schröder, Lufthansa AG
  • Kerstin Wagner, Deutsche Bahn AG
  • Dr. Mathias Winde, Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany

Representatives from the student body

  • Elisa Knief, Student at the University of Bremen
  • Fabian Wolf, Student at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
  • Sophia Pascher, Student at the Berlin School of Economics and Law


The amended Rules of Procedure of the FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee (F-ACC) as of 26 November 2021 can be found here.

The dates for the next meetings of the FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee are available here.


The FIBAA Expert Committee

The FIBAA Expert Committee for programme accreditation, institutional accreditation and certification appoints experts for each accreditation or certification procedure. The F-ACC elects two university representatives, one practice representative and one student from among its members to the FIBAA Expert Committee.

Members of the Panel Appointing Committee:

  • Student body: Marie-Luise Meier, as substitute: Ms. Knief

  • Science: Prof. Schneider, Prof. Széll, as substitute: Prof. Altmann and Prof. Remdisch

  • Career practice: Karl-Peter Abt, as substitute: Kerstin Wagner

Further Bodies


FIBAA Foundation Board


  • Prof. Dr. oec. HSG Rudolf Minsch, Chief Economist / Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, Zurich

Vice President

  • Dr. Oliver Heikaus, Head of Continuing Education, Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK) (German Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

  • Mag.a Melina Schneider, Head of Department for Education Policy, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber


  • Dr. Barbara Dorn, Head of Department Education | Vocational Training, BDA | DIE ARBEITGEBER, Berlin  

  • Prof. André Haelg, formerly Zurich University of Applied Sciences

  • Kurt Koleznik, Secretary General, Austrian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences, Vienna

  • Prof. Dr. Gerhard Riemer, Former Head of Education, Innovation and Research of the Federation of Austrian Industry (Industriellenvereinigung) and Member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Vienna


FIBAA Appeals and Complaints Committee

  • Dr Hans Höller, former Vice President Human Resources at Siemens AG
  • Prof. Dr Andreas Knorr, Professor of Economics, in particular Economic and Transport Policy at the German University of Administrative Sciences
  • Prof. Dr Irina Kohler, Professor of Controlling-Oriented Corporate Management at Fulda University of Applied Sciences
  • Nadja Kolibacz, student at the TU Berlin

Complaints procedure

Higher education institutions or education providers can submit appeals to FIBAA against decisions of the FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee (F-ACC) or file complaints against procedures (procedural complaint).

In order to initiate an complaints procedure, a written appeal against the decision of the F-ACC or a complaint about the procedure (procedural appeal) must be lodged with the FIBAA office within one month of written notification of the decision by the F-ACC. Upon filing the appeal until the final decision on the appeal, all deadlines that may have been set by FIBAA up to that point are suspended.

In the next step, the appeal or procedural complaint is forwarded to the FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee (F-ACC) for a new decision.

If the FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee (F-ACC) does not reach a decision, the appeal or complaint procedure is submitted to the FIBAA Appeals and Complaints Committee for review and comment.

The FIBAA Appeal and Complaints Committee clarifies the facts and, on this basis, gives the FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee (F-ACC) a reasoned recommendation for a final decision in the pending procedure.

After referral to the FIBAA Complaints Committee, the FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee (F-ACC) makes a new and final decision.

In the event of a negative decision by the FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee (F-ACC), the costs of the appeal procedure are to be paid by the client. These consist of travel expenses and labour costs.

The rules of procedure of the FIBAA Appeals and Complaints Committee can be found here.