System accreditation according to the requirements of the German Accreditation Council

Due to a decision by the Federal Constitutional Court on the German accreditation system of 17 February 2016, it became necessary to comprehensively reorganise the accreditation system for study programmes at German universities. The Interstate Study Accreditation Treaty, which came into force on 1 January 2018, and the Specimen Decree agreed by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK), in addition to the state-specific decrees, form the legal framework for the German accreditation system.

All assessment procedures for which a contract was concluded after 1 January 2018 must be carried out in accordance with the new legal situation. For questions regarding the procedure according to the legal situation until 31 December 2017, please contact us:

A system accreditation according to the requirements of the German Accreditation Council could be for you if

⠀ We offer you ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

  • the implementation of system accreditations according to the rules of the German Accreditation Council on the basis of our accreditation via the Accreditation Council

  • outstanding technical expertise in the assessment of your quality assurance system, 

  • a customer-focused, efficient and flexible procedure (usually 12 months). 

Step 1: Offer request/contract preparation:

To obtain initial information and enable us to make you a tailor-made offer, please fill in our enquiry form and send it to us by email. Once you have done this, we can then make you a non-binding offer. Once the contract has been finalised, we will agree a time schedule with you for the implementation of the assessment procedure and the preparation of the accreditation report.

Step 3: Appointment of the FIBAA Expert Committee:

The FIBAA Expert Committee, which is appointed by the FIBAA Accreditation and Certification Committee, appoints FIBAA Expert Committee in accordance with the "Guidelines on the Appointment of Assessors and Configuration of Assessor Groups for Accreditation Procedures” issued by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK). In order to ensure the impartiality of the assessor committee and fairness for you, we grant you a justified right of objection. We prepare our assessors for their duties and for each specific procedure under the supervision of FIBAA project manager(s).

Step 5: First inspection - determination of the sample:

During the first inspection, in consultation with the university and depending on its on-site, hybrid or digital spatial resources, the assessor committee obtains information about the higher education institution and the basic structure of the quality assurance system. In addition, a sample is defined.

Step 7: Preparation of the assessment report and accreditation report:

After the inspection, the assessment report is drawn up on the basis of the assessor committee’s evaluation. The audit and the assessment report form the accreditation report. The higher education institution receives the accreditation report and can submit a statement which is forwarded to the assessor committee.

Step 8: Transmission of the accreditation report

After the statement and, if applicable, the optional quality enhancement, you will receive the final accreditation report, which you submit together with your self-evaluation report (and including the annexes) to the German Accreditation Council via the ELIAS electronic application processing system. The relevant deadlines for the application as well as further information on the procedure can be found in the FAQs on the website of the German Accreditation Council.

Step 2: Preparation of self-evaluation report:

After the end of the procedure, you prepare your self-evaluation report (including relevant annexes). The self-evaluation report is prepared on the basis of the German Accreditation Council’s grid. Once the contract has been finalised, we will send you the corresponding WORD document for processing incl. instructions for the preparation of the self-evaluation report.

Step 4: Preparation of the audit report:

The FIBAA office prepares the audit report, which contains a proposal for determining compliance with the formal criteria (Section 23(3) and (4)) Specimen Decree (Musterrechtsverordnung, MRVO) (or the legal decree of the state in which the higher education institution is located). If necessary, the assessor committee will be asked to provide its expertise. The audit report is prepared according to the grid supplied by the Accreditation Council Foundation. The project manager informs the university immediately if a formal criterion is not met and agrees on how to proceed.

Step 6: Second inspection:

During the second inspection, the application of the higher education’s quality assurance system is checked on the basis of the selected sample.

OPTIONAL: Quality advancement

Should the accreditation report on the part of the assessor committee contain recommendations on conditions or recommendations for the decision of the German Accreditation Council, the FIBAA may carry out a process of quality enhancement (implementation of the recommendations/conditions). The higher education institution decides on the use of this option after the second inspection and presentation of the accreditation report. A separate lump sum will be charged for this, depending on the effort involved. Please consider this option when scheduling the accreditation process.

Step 9: Publication of the accreditation report:

All assessment reports are published by the German Accreditation Council in the electronic application and information system (ELIAS) as well as in the European Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR).

University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Potsdam

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

Professional School of Business & Technology (PSBT) der Hochschule Kempten

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

IU Internationale Hochschule GmbH

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

bbw Hochschule, Berlin

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE) der Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin

Steinbeis Technology Group (STG) der Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) – University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

Nordakademie Hochschule der Wirtschaft, Elmshorn

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

FOM Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management, Essen

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Frankfurt

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft (FHDW)

With the system accreditation, all study programs that were established according to the specifications of the accredited system or were already the subject of internal quality assurance according to the specifications of the accredited system are accredited. An overview of the study programs offered by the university can be found here.

WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar


Your contact person for system accreditation according to the requirements of the German Accreditation Council

 Dipl.-Volksw. Kristina Weng
Dipl.-Volksw. Kristina Weng
Phone: +49 (0) 160 / 996 757 65
Languages: German, English
M.A. Elisabeth Rosenthal
Elisabeth Rosenthal
Phone: +49 (0) 1578 280 35 66
Languages: German, English, Italian